Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Popsicle Jokes.

So recently I had friends sign up for a blog and they are actually treating it like a blog rather than a place to display their talents. I have decided to go in another direction. At least for this blog.

My friend Luke "Barrow" Hill talked me into recently persuaded me into buying Airhead Popsicles so he could have a reason to come over and eat all of them. Without paying.

We have come to find out that the jokes they put on the popsicle stick are somewhat entertaining. The fact of eating the popsicle in order to get to the joke is our soul motive. Here are some jokes that we have come across. Enjoy.

1. Why was the pound so patient?..........He was used to weighing

2. What do you call a cow with no legs?......Ground Beef

3. Why does a quarter flip higher than other coins?......Because it has an eagle on it

If you are confused...Go back and read the post with a hint of sarcasm. Then you will get it.